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Coaster 805538 Wade logan ebern designs polished chrome metal finish shelf unit with glass shelves

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Abby Dernburg
This customer purchased the item at our site.
Amazing unit for the price, just what I needed

Advantages: This unit fit perfectly into a niche in my home office, so I was excited to find it. I was worried that it would look kind of cheesy, since it's so inexpensive, but I'm very happy with it. Once assembled, it is handsome and provides a lot of display storage. It has 4 leveling feet, which was important to align it with the walls. Easy to put together, but it was helpful to have 2 people hold up the frame during the first couple of steps.

Disadvantages: Can see seams on the front of the frame where the top and bottom attach to each other, but they are pretty inconspicuous. Mine came with a couple of tiny dents in the frame but not enough to bother me. Took a while to arrive but worth the wait.
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