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FM64003BR 2 pc Dionysus two tone dark brown wde channel fabric sofa and love seat with recliner ends cup console USB charging

(10 reviews)  

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Lavita Acate
Our new sofa set is so beautiful in our living room. Quality excellent! Thank you
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Karen Zabite
I'm really happy with my new sofa set and just the style I wanted for my living room. Thank you
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Jenny Netio
Looks stunning in our living room and very comfy to use recliners. Thank you
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Heith Reader
I really like my new sofa set and so relaxing to sit on. Thank you
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Gifonia Perezet
My new sofa set is so gorgeous in our living room. Thank you
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Faye Cattel
We are very pleased with our new sofa set and the fabric feels so good to relax on. Thank you
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Victor Meldane
Wife and I are so excited to have received our sofa set. Thank you
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Melissa Garner
So much enjoy using our sofa set in our living room. Very happy I got it on sale here. Thank you so much!
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Ciara Lovets
Very lovely style and goes perfect in our living room. Thank you
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Kris Montina
Great buy and exactly the color and style I was searching for my home. Thanks
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