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FOA7726TL Hokku designs axel teal peace bus VW style design twin size kids bed w/ LED lights and sounds

(5 reviews)  

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Sylvie Tai
Our daughter loves her new VW bus bed. It came by freight today and was so easy for us to set up in her room. It looks very cool and she really is enjoying it. This was my 1st time ordering online and it was so easy here. Thank you so much!
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Krissy Samdale
Looks so cool in our daughters room. She really likes the VW style and led lights. The freight guy on time and came in new well secured box. Looked everywhere and this website has the best price. Thank you
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Patty Thiessen
Delivered fast and safely. Came in new box and easy to assemble. Very nice looking in our son’s room. Delivered on schedule. Thank you
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Regina Zilea
Very cool and realistic in our sons room. He loves it! Excellent quality! Shipped on time and arrived in new boxes. Thank you
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Terry Cruels
Exactly what my daughter wanted for her bedroom. Easy to assemble. She really likes using the led lights. Freight on schedule. Thanks
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